In accordance with the IASB’s due process as described in the IFRS Foundation Due Process Handbook, proposed amendments to Accounting Standards that are sufficiently minor or narrow in scope can be packaged together and exposed in one document, even though the amendments are unrelated. Such amendments are called ‘annual improvements’. Annual improvements are limited to changes that either clarify the wording in an Accounting Standard or correct relatively minor unintended consequences, oversights or conflicts between the requirements of the Accounting Standards.

The following IFRS Accounting Standards and accompanying guidance would be affected by the proposed amendments:

  • IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards - Hedge accounting by a first-time adopter

  • IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures - Gain or loss on derecognition

  • Guidance on implementing IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures

    • Introduction;

    • Disclosure of deferred difference between fair value and transaction price;

    • Credit risk disclosures

  • IFRS 9 Financial Instruments

    • Derecognition of lease liabilities;

    • Transaction price

  • IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements - Determination of a ‘de facto agent’

  • IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows - Cost method.

The IASB proposes to apply the amendments retrospectively with an earlier application permitted.

IASB Exposure Draft Consultation

In September 2023 the IASB published the Exposure Draft of proposed amendments to IFRS Accounting Standards as part of its annual improvements process with a deadline for comments of 11 December 2023.

EFRAG Draft Comment Letter

EFRAG published its Draft Comment Letter ("DCL") on 3 November 2023 with a comment period ended on 28 November 2023.

In its draft comment letter, EFRAG welcomed the package of the annual improvements included in the ED and agreed with the majority of the proposed amendments. In EFRAG's view, they would improve consistent application and understandability of the IFRS Accounting Standards.

However, EFRAG disagreed with the IASB's proposed amendment to IFRS 9 on derecognition of lease liabilities and recommended the IASB to clarify the interaction between IFRS 9 and IFRS 16 as part of a narrow-scope standard-setting project.

Regarding the proposed amendment to IFRS 10 on de facto agents, EFRAG recommended the IASB reconsider whether a look-up approach (i.e., including those that direct the activities of the investor) could ever be used for assessing if a party is a de facto agent for the purposes of the entity's consolidated financial statements.

EFRAG Final Comment Letter

Based on the feedback received from constituents in response to the DCL, EFRAG published its Final Comment Letter on 8 December 2023.

In its Final Comment Letter, EFRAG confirmed the positions expressed in the DCL, except for some drafting changes related to the proposed amendment to IFRS 9. In this regard, EFRAG recommended the IASB to clarify the interaction between IFRS 9 and IFRS 16 as part of a narrow-scope standard-setting project and did not recommend to amend paragraph 2.1(b)(ii) of IFRS 9 as part of the Annual Improvements – Volume 11.

Endorsement Advice

In July 2024 the IASB published the amendments (here).

In August 2024 EFRAG received a request for an endorsement advice from the European Commission (here).

In October 2024 EFRAG issued a draft endorsement advice ('DEA').

EFRAG's overall preliminary assessment is that the Amendments satisfy the criteria for endorsement for use in the EU and therefore recommends its endorsement. EFRAG is seeking comments on all aspects of its analysis supporting the preliminary conclusions, including whether and to which extent the amendment to IFRS 9 related to the derecognition of lease liabilities would impair the European public good.

In December 2024 EFRAG issued its endorsement advice.