SAVE THE DATE – Webinar on an academic study on the production and consumption of information on intangibles - 30 November 2021
On Tuesday 30 November, the results and practical recommendations of the research project The Production and Consumption of Information on Intangibles: An Empirical Investigation of CFOs and Investors will be presented and discussed at a webinar. The research project is jointly supported by EFFAS, EFRAG and ICAS.
This academic research produces empirical evidence and insights on the views of preparers (CFOs and chief accountants) and users (investors and financial analysts) about intangibles-related information.
The presentation of the project results by the research team will serve as input to a panel discussion.
The event will be chaired by Guy Jubb, Chair of the ICAS Research Panel.
The academic study will be presented by:
- Dr. Laura Girella, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
- Prof. Giuseppe Marzo, University of Ferrara (Italy)
- Prof. Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara (Italy)
Alain Deckers, Head of Unit Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies, European Commission, DG FISMA and representatives from EFFAS, EFRAG and ICAS will participate in the panel discussion.
You can register for the event here.