SAVE THE DATE | EFRAG webinar: Accounting for crypto-assets (liabilities) - 6 July 2021 – 15:00 to 16:30 (CET)
The rapidly evolving crypto-ecosystem continues to grab headlines and is a source of ongoing interest among stakeholders.
Due to the call for regulatory clarity including on the accounting requirements for crypto-assets (liabilities), EFRAG published a Discussion Paper on Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) (DP) in July 2020 (open for comments until the end of July 2021).
EFRAG’s DP intends to inform a possible future IASB project and to contribute to the debate on future accounting developments on the topic. It has a broader scope than the IFRS Interpretations Committee agenda decision (June 2019), whose scope was accounting by holders of cryptocurrencies with no claim on the issuer. It covers accounting for issuers and holders across the universe of crypto-assets and addresses related valuation considerations.
During this event, speakers will discuss practical application issues in current reporting and the options for addressing IFRS requirements for crypto-assets (liabilities) proposed in the EFRAG DP. They will also share their views on crypto-related market developments and the possible implications for accounting requirements.
The audience will be invited to participate in the discussion through polling questions and Q&A sessions.
This event will be a public online webinar with eminent speakers including the following:
- Olivier Schérer (EFRAG Board member, Chair of the Corporate Reporting Policy Group Accountancy Europe, IFRS Technical leader PwC France) Moderator
- Chiara Del Prete (EFRAG TEG Chairwoman), Vincent Papa (Associate Director), Isabel Batista (Senior Technical Manager)
- Bruce Mackenzie (IASB Board member)
- Renata Szkoda (Board member Global Digital Assets and Cryptocurrencies Association and CFO/COO at Blue Fire Capital)
- Dennis Jullens (EFRAG TEG member, lecturer at the University of Amsterdam)
- Flora Camp (Partner PwC France)
- Maria Erviti Legarra (member of EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group, Director of Accounting & Prudential Policies at BBVA)
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