REMINDER | Invitation to participate in EFRAG's field-test on ED/2021/3 Disclosure Requirements in IFRS Standards (Proposed amendments to IFRS 13 and IAS 19)
In its Draft Comment Letter in response to the IASB's exposure draft, EFRAG recommended that a comprehensive outreach and field testing of the proposals are undertaken to assess the operational challenges for preparers but also for enforcers and auditors.
EFRAG considered the application of the proposed approach to IAS 19 Employee Benefits (‘IAS 19’) and IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (‘IFRS 13’) and concluded that it was not in a position to express definitive views on the proposed changes and their expected effects, until EFRAG has conducted a comprehensive field testing of the proposals.
EFRAG, in close coordination with EFRAG Member Organisations and other European National Standard Setters and the IASB, is currently conducting field-testing of the IASB proposals.
Participating companies are asked to test the application of the proposed new requirements in IAS 19, IFRS 13 or both by preparing selected disclosures affected by the proposals. All EU companies applying IFRS are welcome to participate - corporates or financial institutions. EFRAG is specifically interested in including smaller or medium-sized companies in addition to large companies.
Field testing has started and is being carried out until 25 October 2021. Companies can still indicate their interest in participating in the field test by sending an email to by 10 September 2021.