PROGRAMME AVAILABLE | Webinar: Business Model, Sustainability Risks and Opportunities Reporting – 25/05/21
On 25 May 2021 from 12:00 to 14:00 (CET), the European Lab Project Task Force on Reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and linkage to the business model (PTF RNFRO), invites you to an online outreach event.
The event will be opened by EFRAG Board President Jean-Paul Gauzès. Please find the programme and supporting documents here.
The objective of the event is to share and discuss the key findings of the PTF RNFRO draft report on Business Model, Sustainability Risks and Opportunities Reporting.
An eminent speakers panel, moderated by the PTF RNFRO co-chairs Mario Abela and Dawn Slevin will provide their views:
- Giulia Genuardi – Enel, EFRAG European Lab PTF- NFRS and PTF CRR member
- Filip Gregor- Frank Bold, European Lab Steering Group member
- Ron Gruijters – Eumedion, EFRAG European Lab PTF- NFRS member
- Nadia Humphreys - Bloomberg, EC Platform Sustainable Finance member, co-Chair SG 5 Data and Usability
- André Jakobs – ABN/AMRO, EFRAG European Lab PTF- CRR member
The panel discussion will be interwoven with input from the audience through polling questions and Q&A.