Outreach Event Summary Report - EFRAG and EFFAS joint webinar on users' guidelines for better information on intangibles
This summary report has been prepared for the convenience of European constituents to summarise the input from the webinar on EFRAG's research project Better Information on Intangibles. The online event was held on 29 March 2022 and covered the different approaches outlined in EFRAG's discussion paper ('DP') Better Information on Intangibles to enhance current reporting and provide better information on intangibles through:
Recognition and measurement in the financial statements;
Disclosures of information related to specific intangibles in the notes to the financial statements or in the management report;
Disclosures of information on future-oriented expenses in the notes to the financial statements or in the management report; and
Disclosures on risks and opportunity factors.
During the webinar, users and a few preparers of financial statements provided their views on these possible approaches. Before the discussion, the EFRAG representatives presented the DP. The audience provided their views on the alternatives to provide better information on intangibles via online polling surveys, comments and questions to the speakers.