Launch of the EFRAG ESRS Digital Reporting Consultative Forum - Composition and related community
EFRAG SR TEG approved the composition of the EFRAG ESRS Digital Reporting Consultative Forum (EFRAG ESRS DRCF) in its meeting earlier this month.
EFRAG has decided to set up this pan-European forum to strengthen the European debates on the digital reporting aspects of sustainability reporting, particularly, in regard to the ESRS XBRL taxonomy. The role, competencies, composition, and modus operandi of the EFRAG ESRS DRCF are described in the Terms of Reference.
EFRAG’s call for candidates resulted in a large number of high-quality applications. The composition of the EFRAG ESRS DRCF was determined based on applicants’ expertise and experience and reflects a balance of gender and geographical origin.
EFRAG has also decided to establish the EFRAG Digital Reporting Community as a wider virtual group contributing to and being informed about EFRAG’s digital-reporting meetings and discussions. The specialists, with an interest in digital reporting, are invited to join. It is still possible to join the Community by expressing an interest (including CV) to Digital-Reporting @ EFRAG.ORG.
The composition of the EFRAG ESRS DRCF is as follows:
- Chiara Del Prete - EFRAG SR TEG Chair
- Andrea Fradeani - University of Macerata
- Deborah Fischer - RSM Belgium
- Dediniene Daiva - The Bank of Lithuania
- Elina Tuulia Koskentalo - Arccos Consulting
- Enrico Evink - EY
- Florina Nicolae - IDS GmbH
- Henrik Sandin - Workiva
- Julien Guichandut - Clarity AI
- Laureen van Breen - The WikiRate Project
- Lidia Grzegorczyk - Velma ESG
- Manuela Gottschalk - Deutsche Bank
- Marc Houllier - Corporatings
- Päivi Antikainen - Nokia
- Peter Schaap - Deloitte
- Philipp Stampfuß - AMANA consulting
- Pierre-Henri Damotte - Société Générale
- Rimgaudas Pazniokas - Audifina
- Robin Dierckx - Greenomy
- Thomas Klement - ABZ Reporting
- Tina Aggerholm - Confederation of Danish Industry
- Tom Heuser - Merck
- Walter Kern - Economy for the Common Good
Individual Observers:
- Emma Burger - Bloomberg
- Gaurav Trivedi - MSCI
- Stuart Rowan - XBRL International
The meetings of the EFRAG ESRS DRCF will also be observed by the European Commission, European Supervisory Authorities, and XBRL Europe.