Join the EFRAG Advisory Panel on Connectivity between Financial and Sustainability Reporting Information
In June 2022, the EFRAG Financial Reporting Board (EFRAG FRB) approved the addition of a project on the connectivity between Financial and Sustainability Reporting Information to EFRAG’s proactive research agenda. The project had been identified as high priority based on the feedback from the May 2021 EFRAG agenda consultation.
In February 2023, the EFRAG FRB approved the formation of an advisory panel (EFRAG CAP) to support the research activities and advise EFRAG FR TEG over the duration of the project. Members of the EFRAG CAP are expected to share perspectives and practical experience regarding connectivity matters, and to help EFRAG identify, assess and prioritise connectivity themes, and identify related good reporting practices. The EFRAG CAP will also act as a sounding board for any approach or any solutions to enhance connectivity that will be developed by EFRAG as part of the project.
The EFRAG CAP is expected to meet at least three times a year (including once in-person) and to start its activities from May 2023.
Further information about the role, competencies, composition and modus operandi of the EFRAG CAP are described in its Terms of Reference.
The EFRAG CAP may comprise between 15 to 20 members and is expected to include preparers of financial statements/sustainability reports, users of financial statements/sustainability reports (including valuation experts, NGOs, trade unions and consumer organisations), assurance services providers, academics and regulators.
Selection process
The selection will be based on the extent to which a candidate meets the profile described in the Terms of Reference in terms of background, expertise and experience, and ability to act in the European public interest; the absence of conflict of interests as well as, to the extent feasible, a balance in nationality and gender.
How to apply
Submissions should be done by completing the Online Candidature Form (click here) by close of business Monday 10 April 2023. Candidates are expected to include a CV (to be uploaded as an attachment to the candidature form) and, if applicable, a motivation letter and support letters from organisation(s).
All candidates will be informed about their appointment or the outcome of their application within one month after EFRAG has made its decision.