EFRAG/TRADE UNION/NGO Joint Webinar on EFRAG Exposure Drafts on Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
On 29 April 2022, EFRAG launched a public consultation on the Exposure Drafts on Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards. The public consultation is seeking views on the proposed disclosure requirements, including their adequacy, how the way the CSRD principles have been implemented and possible options for phasing-in the implementation.In this context, EFRAG, trade unions and NGOs are organising a joint outreach event and invite all interested stakeholders to participate. NGO and trade union contributors will provide their views on the proposed disclosure requirements and will further comment from their perspective on the EFRAG Draft ESRS Exposure Drafts during three sessions:
- Session 1: Introductory session (9:30 - 10: 45 CET)
- Session 2: Social standards (11:00 - 12:30 CET)
- Session 3: Environmental standards (14:00 - 15:30 CET).
Programme will follow in due course.
Download the Save the Date here.
Register for this online event here.