EFRAG, the IASB and the National Standard Setters AAT, ANC, ASCG, FRC and OIC invite companies to participate in a public survey on impact of the forthcoming new IFRS on Leases on financial covenants in loan agreements
What is the objective of this public survey?
The objective of this survey is twofold. The first objective is to assess the possible impact of the new IFRS on Leases on lenders' business practices. Financial institutions who participate in the survey will have the opportunity to increase their awareness of the effects of the new IFRS on financial covenants applied to their customers' loan agreements, possibly resulting in reducing the cost of implementing the new IFRS for them and their customers.
The second objective is to better understand the extent to which covenants are based on figures reported in accordance with IFRS.
When and how will this field-test be conducted?
This public survey will start on 22 July 2015. The participants are requested to answer the survey questions and submit their replies not later than on Wednesday, 30 September 2015.
A feedback statement will be issued so as to share the results of the public survey, whilst the individual responses will remain confidential.
How to participate?
EFRAG and the National Standard Setters invite all entities to participate in this public survey.
A link to the copy of questionnaire is provided below. You can also obtain it by contacting the National Standard Setter in your jurisdiction, as indicated in the table below, or EFRAG.
Country | Contact | Contact name | Phone number | E-mail address |
IASB | Patrina Buchanan | +44(0)2072466468 | pbuchanan@ifrs.org | |
EFRAG | Robert Stojek | +32(0)2-2104404 | robert.stojek@efrag.org | |
France | ANC | Angélique Courtade-Benlian | +33(0)1-53442983 | angelique.courtade-benlian@anc.gouv.fr |
Germany | DRSC | Peter Zimniok | +49(0)30-206412-19 | zimniok@drsc.de |
Italy | OIC | Federica Girolami | +39/06/69766835 | fgirolami@fondazioneoic.it |
Lithuania | AAT | Kristina Volodkovic | +370-5 212 5464 | k.volodkovic@aat.lt |
UK | UK FRC | Annette Davis | +44(0)2074922322 | A.Davis@frc.org.uk |