EFRAG releases summary report on the conference European Corporate Reporting- two pillars for success
EFRAG is pleased to publish its summary report on the conference "European Corporate Reporting: two pillars for success" that took place on 28 November 2023 in Brussels. The 2023 report summarises the key points on European corporate reporting presented by our speakers and during the panel sessions.
Conference videos and photos:
Part 1
Hans Buysse (EFRAG Administrative Board President) delivered a welcome address before Pascal Durand (French MEP and CSRD Rapporteur), Jean-Paul Servais (IOSCO Chair), Emmanuel Faber (ISSB Chair), and Patrick de Cambourg (EFRAG SRB Chair), delivered speeches on the theme "Sustainability reporting: state of play."
Mairead McGuinness (European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union) then delivered a speech on corporate reporting for the second consecutive year.
Numerous moving tributes were delivered in honour of the late Jean-Paul Gauzès (former EFRAG Board President), who regrettably passed away on 13 September 2023.
Richard Boessen (EFRAG Senior Manager Digital Reporting) then introduced John Turner (XBRL International CEO) for his keynote speech, "Opportunities of digital reporting from the start".
Chiara Del Prete (EFRAG SR TEG Chair) introduced the panel "Implementation support for ESRS", comprised of Eelco van der Enden (GRI CEO), Sebastien Godinot (EFRAG Administrative Board & Civil Society Organisations), Mark Vaessen (Accountancy Europe President) and Luc Vansteenkiste (EFRAG SRB member, EuropeanIssuers Chair). Moderating the discussion was Kerstin Lopatta (EFRAG SRB Vice-Chair).
It was followed by keynote closing remarks by Eelco van der Enden on the importance of implementation.
Part 2
Next came the panel "Sustainability reporting: European Sustainability Standards for SMEs" introduced by Elisa Bevilacqua (EFRAG SR Senior Technical Manager) and moderated by Sven Gentner (Head of Unit, DG FISMA, Corporate Reporting, Audit & Credit Rating Agencies). The panel was comprised of Etienne Barel (Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the French Banking Federation), Salvador Marin (EFRAG SRB member & EFAA President), Cristina Saporetti (Head of sustainability reporting, Eni), and Véronique Willems (SMEunited Secretary General).
Keynote speeches on the theme "State of play: Financial reporting" were then delivered by Wolf Klinz (EFRAG FRB Chair), Linda Mezon-Hutter (IASB Vice-Chair), and Verena Ross (ESMA Chair).
The last panel, "Financial reporting Connectivity: Building bridges", was introduced by Sebastien Harushimana (EFRAG FR TEG Chair) and moderated by Jens Berger (EFRAG FR TEG Vice-Chair). It was comprised of Kirsten Margrethe Hovi (EFRAG CAP member & Norsk Hydro ESG Advisor), Sirkku Palmuaro (EFRAG CAP member & Nordic Offsetsenior advisor), Leo van der Tas, (EFRAG CAP member, EY advisor), and Carsten Zielke (EFRAG CAP member, EFRAG User Panel Vice-Chair).
The conference was crowned by a speech delivered by Christine Lagarde (ECB President).
The conference photos are now available and the video can be consulted in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.