EFRAG PODCAST - Good practices in reporting the business model, sustainability risks and opportunities
In early October, the Project Task Force on the reporting of non-financial risks and opportunities and the linkage to the business model (PTF-RNFRO) released its report: Towards Sustainable Businesses: Good Practices in Business Model, Risks and Opportunities Reporting in the EU and Supplementary Document: Good Reporting Practices. The publication included a summary.
In this podcast, Mario Abela and Dawn Slevin the PTF-RNFRO co-chairs, provide insights on the report’s key findings, as well as the PTF- RNFRO (scope, mandate, composition) and its working process.This episode is the first of three series of podcasts to be released every week before the presentation webinar to be held on 3 November 2021, from 10:00 to 11:00 (CET). Register and watch the webinar here.
Listen to the EFRAG’s podcast Good practices in reporting the business model, sustainability risks and opportunities on:
EFRAG YouTube channel
EFRAG Spotify channel