EFRAG PODCAST - Accounting for variable consideration – from a purchaser perspective

​Become familiar with EFRAG’s Discussion Paper: Accounting for variable consideration – from a purchaser’s perspective in 7 minutes.

​In September 2022, EFRAG published a Discussion Paper: Accounting for variable consideration – from a purchaser’s perspective (DP), which aims to stimulate discussion on alternatives for accounting requirements to address the challenges related to accounting for variable consideration.

In this podcast, EFRAG Senior Technical Manager, Rasmus Sommer, provides an overview of the main issues considered in the DP.

This is the first episode in a series of podcasts on the DP that will be released over the coming weeks. Join also our joint webinar with BusinesseEurope on 16 February 2013 which involves subject matter experts.

Registration and information on the webinar can be found here.

Listen to the EFRAG’s podcast Accounting for variable consideration – from a purchaser’s perspective on:
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