EFRAG invites users of the financial statements of insurers to express their views
IFRS 17 is designed to replace the interim Standard IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts. EFRAG is seeking the views of users of financial statements as a key input into its endorsement advice to the European Commission. EFRAG wishes to gather views from both specialist users, who mainly follow insurance companies, as well as users who follow a range of companies.
The outreach will be conducted through structured interviews which should take no longer than 30 minutes. To participate in the process, please either complete the online registration: EFRAG's IFRS 17 User Outreach Registration or contact Joachim Jacobs on (telephone: +32-(0)2 207 93 75, email: joachim.jacobs@efrag.org) in order for us to send you the relevant materials and arrange a suitable time.
Expressions of interest should be submitted by close of business on Friday 11 May 2018.