EFRAG extends the consultation period of its draft comment letters on ISSB SASB methodology and ISSB RFI Agenda consultation with one week
In order to
provide stakeholders with more time to comment on EFRAG’s draft comment letters to the
ISSB Exposure Draft on the SASB methodology and the ISSB Request for
Information (RFI) on its Agenda Priorities, EFRAG is extending the deadline for
The new deadlines for replying to the consultations are as follows:
EFRAG DCL on ISSB SASB methodology : 17 July 2023. You can respond to the draft comment letter by completing the following online survey.
EFRAG DCL on ISSB RFI on Agenda priorities : 1 August 2023. You can respond to the draft comment letter by completing the following online survey.
If you want to find out more about these two draft comment letters you can watch the video recordings of the joint EFRAG ISSB outreach event of 15 June.
EFRAG encourages all stakeholders to participate
in these consultations.