EFRAG comment letter on the IASB's ED Effective Date of IFRS 15
The IASB issued the Exposure Draft Effective Date of IFRS 15 (Proposed amendments to IFRS 15) (the 'ED') on 19 May 2015, with comments due by 3 July 2015.
The ED proposes deferring the effective date of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers to 1 January 2018 (currently 1 January 2017). Earlier application is permitted.
EFRAG supports the proposal.
EFRAG's comment letter: EFRAG comment letter on IASB ED-2015-2.pdf
The ED proposes deferring the effective date of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers to 1 January 2018 (currently 1 January 2017). Earlier application is permitted.
EFRAG supports the proposal.
EFRAG's comment letter: EFRAG comment letter on IASB ED-2015-2.pdf