EFRAG announces the new composition of its Financial Instruments Working Group and two replacements in its Insurance Accounting Working Group

EFRAG TEG approved the new composition of the EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group . The EFRAG FIWG Working Group welcomes David Bisnath, Bonafacio Di Francesantonio, Edgar Loew, Holger Meurer, Roberto Spiller, Martin Svitek and Anna Vidal as new members and Gerhard Margetich as new observer. EFRAG also welcomes two replacements in the EFRAG Insurance Accounting Working Group: Davide Ferretti and Andrea Thiele.

​In its May 2021 meeting, the EFRAG TEG approved the new composition of the the EFRAG Financial Instruments Working Group (EFRAG FIWG).

The EFRAG FIWG supports EFRAG TEG in providing technical advice to the EFRAG Board on the development of IFRS and IFRS Interpretations on specific financial instruments matters and application within Europe. The EFRAG FIWG provides specialised knowledge to enhance EFRAG TEG’s understanding of financial instruments specific issues and technical assessment of proposals.

EFRAG's call for candidates resulted in several high-quality applications. The new composition of the EFRAG FIWG was determined based on applicants' expertise and practical experience and aimed to reflect a balance of professional backgrounds and geographical origin. To cover the wide range of background additional observers were appointed.

EFRAG TEG Chairwoman, Chiara Del Prete welcomed the new members of the EFRAG FIWG, and said:

"I am very pleased with the quality and high number of applicants, this provides yet another confirmation of the quality that the EFRAG FIWG adds to the debate. I look forward to the input and expertise the new members will bring to our working group. We have also decided to set up a Banking Network, that can act as a source of additional expert advice and input for outreaches on banking and financial instruments practice challenges. If you have relevant expertise, I invite you to join our new network”.

EFRAG would still appreciate to receive applications from users and the Nordic countries and the Netherlands meeting the financial instruments expert profile.

The new composition of the EFRAG FIWG members, effective as of 1 June 2021, is as follows:

Jens Berger - Chair, EFRAG TEG member


​Jannis Bischof


​David Bisnath*


​Alan Chapman


​Pierre-Henri Damotte


​Karin Eisenhut


​Maria Erviti Legarra


​Bonafacio Di Francesantonio*


​Laure Guégan


​Fabio Goia


​Vincent Guillard


​Edgar Loew*


​Selma Marte


​Holger Meurer*


​Martin Petrov


​Roberto Spiller*


​Martin Svitek *


​Anna Vidal*



​Lorenza Bignozzi **

​National Standard Setter - OIC

​Antonio Corbi**

​ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association)

​Stephane Lefrancq**

​National Standard Setter - ANC

​Gerhard Margetich**

​National banking organisation

​Susanne Push**

​National Standard Setter - FRC

​Raoul Vogel**

​National regulator

* Newly appointed members.
** Observer

In addition, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) have been granted observer status.

Replacements EFRAG Insurance Accounting Working Group

In addition, EFRAG TEG approved the appointment of two new members with an insurance industry background to the EFRAG Insurance Accounting Working Group: David Ferreti replacing Massimo Tosoni who is now EFRAG TEG member and Andreas Thiele replacing Roman Sauer who joined the EFRAG Board.