EFRAG announces new appointments
In its meeting of 20 December 2023, the EFRAG FR TEG appointed Tommaso Fabi (EFRAG FR TEG Member - Country liaison Italy, OIC) as the new Chair of the EFRAG Rate-regulated Activities Working Group (RRAWG), effective 1 January 2024, in replacement of Ralph Welter.
EFRAG welcomes this appointment, as Tommaso Fabi's knowledge and experience will contribute and bring added value from his field of expertise to EFRAG RRAWG work, as the team analyses the IASB proposals and redeliberations ahead of the expected publication of the new IFRS Accounting Standard on Regulated Assets and Regulated Liabilities.
Aissata Toure, Audit Partner PwC Germany, was appointed to the EFRAG RRAWG effective from 20 December 2023. Aissata's extensive industry expertise in the energy sector will be a valuable addition to the work being done by EFRAG RRAWG.
EFRAG thanks Ralph Welter for his valuable contribution to EFRAG and the EFRAG RRAWG during the past years.