Call for new members of EFRAG's Community Supporting the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for Non-Listed SMEs (VSME)
Following EFRAG's delivery of the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standards for non-listed SMEs (VSME) to the European Commission, EFRAG intends to broaden the existing VSME Community by inviting all interested stakeholders to participate to the regular dialogue that takes place in such community. The EFRAG VSME Community was originally launched in late 2022 and has played an important role in the development of the VSME Standard.
To build upon the existing base of VSME Community members, EFRAG is opening a call for additional individuals and networks (preparers, users, academics, accountants/auditors specialised in the VSME, NGOs, and other stakeholders) interested in joining the existing VSME Community.
The application deadline is February 14th, 2025. Send your candidature:
For more detailed information, please see the Call for new members of EFRAG's Community Supporting the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for Non-Listed SMEs (VSME).