Better Communication: Disclosures, what do analysts and investors need?
The Discussion Paper suggests principles governing what, how and where information should be disclosed in the financial statements to improve the information provided to users. The event introduces the main elements of the Discussion Paper, the preliminary positions held and is focused on the information needs of investors. The objective of the event is to obtain input on the following issues included in the Discussion Paper:
Can principles make communication more effective?
What do investors think are useful examples of disclosures in the financial statements?
Alternative (non-IFRS) performance measures in the financial statements: misleading or useful?
Should unusual or infrequently occurring items be separately reported and if so how?
How important is the application of materiality when deciding what and how to disclose information?
The event is primarily directed at investors and analysts. However, should you be interested in attending as a 'non-user', please feel free to contact us as we have a limited number of extra seats. There is no charge for the participation and the language of the event will be English.
See the full save the date here.