Joint EFRAG Board-TEG meeting May 2020

26/05/2020 - 26/05/2020
10:00 - 16:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Board
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

07-01 IFRS 17 Joint EFRAG Board and TEG Cover note public session 20-05-26.pdf
Cover Note
07-02 ACE_IFRS17_EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
External presentation for meeting
07-03 IFRS 17 Early adoption information - Issues paper Joint meeting 20-05-26.pdf
Issues Paper
07-04 IFRS 17 - Appendix 1 EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
Issues Paper
08-01 Cover note - IFRS 16 amendment - EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
Cover Note
08-02 FEA - IFRS 16 and COVID-19 (clean) - EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
Endorsement Advice
08-03 FEA - IFRS 16 and COVID-19 (marked up) - EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
Endorsement Advice
08-04 Feedback Report - IFRS 16 Brussels Outreach Event - EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
Feedback statement – outreach event
08-05 IASB ED-2020-2 Covid-19-Related Rent-Concessions - EFRAG Board and TEG 20-05-26.pdf
IASB document
09-01 - Issues paper Update on BCUCC project - EFRAG Board-TEG 20-05-26.pdf
Issues Paper
10-01 - Interest Rate Benchmark Reform - Cover note - TEG 20-05-26.pdf
10-02 - Comment letter analysis - DCL - IBOR - Phase 2 - TEG 2020-05-26.pdf
10-03 - Final Comment letter IBOR Phase 2 (markup) - TEG 20-05-26.pdf
10-04 - Final Comment letter IBOR Phase 2 (clean) - TEG 20-05-26.pdf
10-05 - Interest Rate Benchmark Reform - Issues paper - TEG 20-05-26.pdf
10-06 - IASB ED-2020-1_Interest Rate Benchmark Reform - Phase 2 - EFRAG TEG Board 20-05-26.pdf
11-01 EFRAG Technical work plan - Board 20-05-26.pdf
EFRAG Board paper for public session