EFRAG TEG meeting October 2017

25/10/2017 - 26/10/2017
11:45 - 13:45
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Running order

Archive - Joachim Jacobs, Didier Andries, Fredré Ferreira, Sapna Heeralall

Meeting news

Meeting documents

05-01 Cover note on Amendments to IAS 28 TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Cover Note
05-02 Issues paper on follow up on EFRAG's recommendations TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Issues Paper
05-03 Draft Endorsement Advice on IAS 28 Amendments TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
05-04 Invitation to comment on IAS 28 Amendments TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
05-05 IASB Amendments to IAS 28 - background only - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
IASB document
05-06 IASB Illustrative Example IAS 28 Amendments - background only - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
IASB document
06-01 Cover note on IFRIC 23 - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Cover Note
06-02 Endorsement Advice Letter to the EC on IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments_TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Endorsement Advice
07-01 Cover note on IASB Amendments to IAS 16 - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Cover Note
07-02 Comment Letter Analysis on IASB Amendments to IAS 16 - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Comment Letter Analysis
07-03 Proposed Final Comment Letter on IASB Amendments to IAS 16 - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Comment Letter
08-01 Cover note Equity Instruments - Impairment and Recycling TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Cover Note
08-02 Issues paper on update on the quantitative data on Equity Instruments TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Issues Paper
08-03 Issues paper on the outline of the forthcoming Phase 2 publication TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Issues Paper
09-01 Issues paper on Scope of Rate-regulated Activities - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Issues Paper
10-01 Cover note - IFRS 17 - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Cover Note
10-02 Issues paper - Points raised by IAWG members TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Issues Paper
10-03 EFRAG TEG IFRS 17 educational session - TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Other EFRAG Secretariat Paper
10-04 Summary and analysis of EFRAG IAWG questionnaires received 17-10-25.pdf
Other EFRAG Secretariat Paper
11-01 Modifications of financial liabilities - Issues paper TEG 17-10-25.pdf
Issues Paper