EFRAG TEG meeting November 2018

29/11/2018 - 29/11/2018
09:00 - 17:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

04-01 - Cover note - DEA on Definition of material - EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Cover Note
04-02 - Draft Endorsement Advice on Definition of Material - EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
04-03 - Invitation to comment - DEA on Definition of material - EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Draft endorsement advice
04-04 - Definition of material - EC request for endorsement advice -EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Other Document from External Party
04-05 Definition of Material - Published Amendments - EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
IASB document
05-01 IFRS 17 project update TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Issues Paper
06-01 Cover Note Equity Instruments - Measurement - TEG 28-11-29.pdf
Cover Note
06-02 EFRAG Research project Equity Instruments - Research on Measurement - Alternative measurement bases TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Issues Paper
06-03 EFRAG Research Project Equity Instruments - Measurement of Equity Instruments in some local GAAP-TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Issues Paper
07-01 Cover note EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Cover Note
07-02 Discussion Paper - Pension Accounting EFRAG TEG 18-11-29.pdf
Pro-active paper for internal development