EFRAG TEG meeting July 2020

01/07/2020 - 02/07/2020
14:00 - 13:15
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

01-01 - Interest Rate Benchmark Reform Phase 2 - Cover Note - TEG 2020-07-01.pdf
02-01 Issues Paper - Management Commentary Practice Statement - EFRAG TEG 20-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper
04-01 Cover note - IFRS 17 - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02.pdf
Cover Note
04-02 IFRS 17 COVID 19 analysis TEG 20-07-02.pdf
Issues Paper
04-03Auditability of IFRS 17 TEG 20-07-02.pdf
Issues Paper
04-04 IFRS 17 DEA - Procyclicality.pdf
Issues Paper
05-01 - Primary Financial Statements - Cover note - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02.pdf
05-02 - Primary Financial Statements - Summary of Feedback Received by topic - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02.pdf
05-03 - AFRAC Draft Comment Letter - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02 - Background only.pdf
05-04 Slido Poll Results - 14 May - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02.pdf
05-05 Slido Poll Results - 17 June - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02.pdf
05-06 Slido Ppoll Results - 26 May - EFRAG TEG 20-07-02.pdf
06-01 Issues paper - Sale and Leaseback with Variable Payments - EFRAG TEG 20-07-01.pdf
Issues Paper
07-01 Letter to the IASB - IFRS 16 - EFRAG TEG 20-07-01.pdf
Other EFRAG Secretariat Paper