EFRAG SRB Meeting 23 August 2023

23/08/2023 - 23/08/2023
14:30 - 18:30
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board

Live webcast

Watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording at a later stage.

Running order

Meeting documents

00-00 EFRAG SRB agenda 23 August 2023.pdf
03-01 EFRAG SRB 230823- Approval of a joint EFRAG GRI interoperability statement - Cover Note.pdf
03-02 EFRAG SRB 230823- draft statememt EFRAG GRI on interoperability.pdf
04-01 EFRAG SRB 230823- EFRAG assessment of interoperability with ISSB - Cover Note.pdf
04-02 EFRAG SRB 230823 - EFRAG IFRS interoperability and mapping table.pdf
05-01 VCIG cover note SRB 230823.pdf
Cover Note
05-02 VCIG SRB 230823.pdf
Issues Paper
06-01 MAIG cover note SRB 230823.pdf
06-02 Materiality Assessment SRB 230823.pdf

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