EFRAG SR TEG meeting 21 March 2024

21/03/2024 - 21/03/2024
09:00 - 13:30
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG SR TEG)

Live webcast

Watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording at a later stage.

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

00-00 EFRAG SR TEG agenda 21 March 2024.pdf
04-01 Cover note MAIG SR TEG 240321.pdf
04-02 MAIG Strategic direction EFRAG SR TEG 240321.pdf
04-03 MAIG Detailed Feedback analysis 240321.pdf
05-01 VCIG CN SR TEG 240321.pdf
05-02 VCIG FA SR TEG 240321.pdf
05-03 VCIG Secretariat orientation EFRAG SRTEG 240321.pdf
05-04 VCIG Scope of OC SR TEG 240321.pdf
06-01 IG 3 - Cover note SR TEG 20230321.pdf
06-02 IG 3 - Summary and analysis of the comment letters received_Public paper SR TEG 20230321.pdf
07-01 EFRAG SR TEG 230321 Manufacturing - leasing - issue paper.pdf
07-02 EFRAG SR TEG 230307 Manufacturing - leasing - issue paper.pdf

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