EFRAG FRB and SRB joint meeting 03 May 2023

03/05/2023 - 03/05/2023
15:00 - 19:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Board
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board

Meeting news

Meeting documents

00-00 Joint EFRAG FRB and EFRAG SRB Meeting 3 May 2023.pdf
04-02 EFRAG FRB-SRB joint meeting Session 4 background document 3 May 2023.pdf
04.01 ISSB Agenda Consultation EFRAG Joint FRB SRB 230503.pdf
04.03 ISSB Agenda Priorities 230503 EFRAG FRB SRB.pdf
05-01 EFRAG FRB-SRB joint meeting-3 May 2023 - Update on EFRAG Research Project.pdf
05-02 - Background paper only- EFRAG FRB and SRB- Scope and approach- EFRAG's Research on Connectivity between Financial and Sustainability Reporting.pdf

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