EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS meeting March 2022

22/03/2022 - 22/03/2022
09:00 - 15:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)


​To register and watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording of the meeting, please click here.

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

08-01 Cover note - Rate-regulated Activities - EFRAG FR TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
Cover Note
08-02 AFAF Agenda Paper AP1_Rate-regulated activities (background only) EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
IASB document
09-01 - Cover note on NCLwC - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
09-02 Agenda Paper AP2 NCL ASAF March 2022 (background paper) - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
IASB document
10-01 - Cover note on SFA - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
Cover Note
10-02 ASAF Agenda Paper AP4_Supplier Finance Arrangements (background only)- EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
IASB document
11-01 PFS - Cover Note - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
11-02 PFS - Slide presentation - EFRAG presentation - EFRAG TEG CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
11-03 PFS - IASB tentative decisions and EFRAG FCL - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
11-04 Agenda Paper AP3 PFS_ASAF March 2022 (background only) - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
IASB document
11-05 Agenda Papere AP3A PFS Appendix_ASAF March 2022 (background only) - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
IASB document
12-01 Issues Paper - Lease liability in a Sale and Leaseback - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
Issues Paper
13-01 Update on IFRS IC Activities - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
Issues Paper
14-01 IASB Agenda paper AP5 - Agenda planning - EFRAG TEG-CFSS 22-03-22.pdf
IASB document