EFRAG FR TEG meeting July 2022

13/07/2022 - 13/07/2022
09:00 - 17:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Technical Expert Group (EFRAG FR TEG)


​​To register and watch the live webcast or the on-demand recording of the meeting please click here.

Running order

Meeting news

Meeting documents

05-01 - Cover note - Regulatory Assets and Regulatory Liabilities - EFRAG FR TEG - 22-07-13.pdf
Cover Note
05-02 - Issues paper on RRA scope - EFRAG FR TEG 22-07-13.pdf
Issues Paper
05-03 - Regulatory returns on CWIP - RRA - EFRAG FR TEG 22-07-13.pdf
Issues Paper
05-04 - RRA different recovery periods - EFRAG FR TEG 22-07-13.pdf
Issues Paper
05-05 - AP9A Features of different regulatory schemes - EFRAG FR TEG 22-07-13.pdf
IASB document
06-01 - Cover note - PIR IFRS 15 Preparatory work - EFRAG FR TEG - 22-07-13.pdf
06-02 - Preparatory work on IFRS 15 PIR preliminary findings - EFRAG TEG 22-07-13.pdf
07-01 - Issues paper - Operating segments EFRAG FR TEG 22-07-13.pdf
Issues Paper
08-01 - Cover Note PIR IFRS 10-12 - EFRAF FR TEG - 22-07-13.pdf
08-02 - EFRAG response to RFI IFRS 10-12 - EFRAF FR TEG - 22-07-13.pdf
08-03 - Project report and feedback statment IFRS 10-12 - EFRAF FR TEG - 22-07-13.pdf
09-01 - Cover note on NCLwC - EFRAG TEG 13-07-22.pdf
Cover Note