EFRAG DASB IASB joint outreach on Primary Financial Statements

16/09/2020 - 16/09/2020
12:00 - 15:00
Online Webinar


EFRAG/DASB Online Joint Outreach event on the IASB ED General Presentation and Disclosures - 16 September 2020

Meeting news

Meeting documents

2020 09 16 Webinar - EFRAG DASB IASB draft save the date .pdf
2020 09 16 Webinar - EFRAG DASB IASB draft save the date.pdf
Audience list.pdf
EFRAG PFS-DASB instructions for sli.do for audience.pdf
Joint Online Event EFRAG DASB IASB 16 September 2020.pdf
Summary Report -EFRAG DASB IASB on PFS 16 September 2020.pdf
Webinar - PFS - EFRAG DASB IASB Programme 16 September.pdf