EFRAG Board webcast meeting April 2020

21/04/2020 - 21/04/2020
08:30 - 16:00
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Board

Meeting news

Meeting documents

06-01 - IFRS 17 - cover note - EFRAG Board 20-04-21.pdf
06-02 - DEA 2020 - extension of temporary exemption expiry date - EFRAG Board 20-04-21.pdf
Issues Paper
06-03 - IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 - EFRAG Board 20-04-21.pdf
06-04 Economic study cover Board 20-04-21.pdf
Issues Paper
06-05 Economic study updated April 2020 Near final draft Board 20-04-21.pdf
External paper for meeting
07-01 Cover note for EFRAG draft comment letter - Goodwill - Board 20-04-21.pdf
Cover Note
07-02 Draft Comment letter - Goodwill and Impairment project - EFRAG Board 20-04-21.pdf
Draft comment letter
07-03 Initial feedback received in response to EFRAG’s MA consultation - EFRAG Board 20-04-21.pdf
Other EFRAG Secretariat Paper
07-04 IASB's DP Business Combinations—Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment (background paper).pdf
IASB document
07-05 Presenting EFRAG DCL on Goodwill - April 2020.pdf
08-01- Cover note - EFRAG Discussion Paper - Crypto-assets - EFRAG Board 210420.pdf
EFRAG Board paper for public session
08-02 - EFRAG Research Discussion Paper- Accounting for holders and issuers of Crypto-assets -EFRAG Board-210420.pdf
EFRAG Board paper for public session
09-01 IASB Amendment to IFRS 16 due to Covid 19 EFRAG Board 20-04-21.pdf