EFRAG Board meeting 8 October 2021

08/10/2021 - 08/10/2021
09:30 - 11:30
EFRAG Offices - 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
EFRAG Financial Reporting Board

Meeting news

Meeting documents

02-01 - Third Agenda consultation - Cover note - EFRAG Board 21-10-8.pdf
02-02 - Agenda consultation - draft final comment letter - EFRAG Board 21-10-08.pdf
02-03 - EFRAG Agenda consultation - final comment letter - compared - EFRAG Board 21-10-08.pdf
02-04 - Agenda consultation - Comment Letter Analysis - EFRAG Board 21-10-08.pdf
02-05 - Agenda consultation - Detailed results of the survey - EFRAG Board 21-10-08.pdf
02-06 - Agenda consultation - EFRAG TEG Recommendations - EFRAG Board 21-10-08.pdf