Georg Lanfermann (born 1969) is the President of the German accounting standard setter DRSC/ASCG with a primary focus on sustainability reporting. In December 2021, Georg successfully completed the reform of DRSC/ASCG in order to establish a two-pillar structure for its technical work – financial and sustainability reporting.
From 2005 until the beginning of 2021, he was a KPMG partner in the Department of Professional Practice in Berlin where he focused on regulatory developments in the field of corporate reporting, auditing and corporate governance with a particular focus on the EU context and led the KPMG EU 27 regulatory contact partner network. From 2001 to 2004, he served as a Detached National Expert to the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Unit G4 "Accounting and Auditing". He started his professional career at Deloitte in 1994, where he also obtained his qualifications as German statutory auditor and tax consultant.