Camilla Hesselby is Deputy CEO of FSR – danske revisorer (FSR – Danish Auditors) with a primary focus on tax, corporate governance, company law and audit regulation. Camilla has extensive experience in these areas both from her present position and from previous work as Deputy director at The Danish Tax Agency (2018-2020), and before that from various positions at Erhvervsstyrelsen (The Danish Business Authority), a number of directorates, authorities and ministries.
With regard to Camillas educational background, she has a Master in Law from the University of Aarhus, 1997. Prior to this, she went to Nice, South of France, for at study visit.
Camilla represents The Danish National Funding Mechanism (NFM), which is a member of EFRAG. NFM is a grouping of the following five Danish organisations: Finance Denmark, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, The Confederation of Danish Industry, Insurance & Pension Denmark and FSR – Danish Auditors).