Current role as a Director, ESG and Corporate Responsibility, in OP Financial Group includes responsibility for the Group wide ESG and sustainability strategy, leading OP Financial Group´s external engagements, such as reporting in accordance with GRI, CPD, Global Compact and the commitments towards UNEPFI Principles for Responsible Banking and TCFD. Chairperson of the OP Financial Group ESG committee and Member of the OP Corporate Bank plc’s Executive Management Team.

Previous experience covers responsibility over the ECB supervision of the OP Financial Group and the upcoming legislation. Chairing the operative work over the supervisory actions. Strong engagement with national and EU regulators. Experience from the public sector in the role of Legislative Counsellor in the Ministry of Finance. Responsibility over wide range legislative dossiers including the negation process both in the EU level in the Council and Commission Working Groups and national level in the Finnish Government and Parliament. The dossiers included legislation over investment services, shareholders rights, sustainable finance disclosure and taxonomy.
Annina Tanhuanpää

Working groups

EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board