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14/04/2021 - Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities): EFRAG Discussion Paper now discussed in podcasts

​Crypto-assets represent a growing and rapidly evolving market. To address the accounting of these unique assets, EFRAG released a Discussion Paper Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) (DP) addressing the main issues related to the topic. You can now listen to the EFRAG podcast series with three episodes in which EFRAG Secretariat and experts discuss the issues addressed in the DP and related topics. 

​To contribute to the debate on accounting requirements for crypto-assets, in July 2020, EFRAG published a Discussion Paper on Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) (DP) that was developed as part of the EFRAG proactive research agenda. The DP is intended to inform the forthcoming IASB agenda consultation process. It has a broader scope than the IFRS Interpretations Committee agenda decision published in June 2019, and covers accounting for issuers and holders, and valuation considerations.

EFRAG’s DP encompasses a problem definition by providing an analysis of the crypto-ecosystem (economic characteristics, rights and obligations, and regulatory regimes) and an in-depth analysis of the current gaps in accounting requirements for both holders and issuers.

As a way forward, the DP proposes three options for addressing IFRS related requirements, namely:

  • do nothing and rely on existing IFRS requirements; 
  • update existing requirements for both holders and issuers; and
  • develop a new Standard with explicit requirements for the accounting for crypto-assets (liabilities).

In the three podcast episodes, EFRAG Secretariat members Vincent Papa and Isabel Batista, and their expert guests Ana Rosa Cortez and Heiko Petry present the holder and issuer perspectives, as well as valuation and the possible ways forward in accounting for them under IFRS standards. Listen now to each episodes:

​EFRAG podcast - Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) – Holder’s perspective ​

​EFRAG podcast - Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) – Issuer’s perspectiveyt_icon_rgb.pngspotify.png
​EFRAG podcast - Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities) – Valuationyt_icon_rgb.pngspotify.png